Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another buff gone

I have my last buff away this week. It was to a woman who was just going through chemo and could not stand having a hot on her head due to the hot flashes. When I gave it to her, I told her to remember this: "This was given to you by a member of Gray Lady Riders, a crazy woman who rides motorcycles, but remember, that life itself, is like a motorcycle ride - it is all about the journey and nothing about the destination." Then I hugged her and left. I don't know if she will ever wear the buff, but the important part is that I cared.

I just got my next shipment of them in. This time I have 5 more to give away. That means that I will meet five more women that have lost their hair to chemo. I rarely know what type of cancer they have, if it is curable or terminal, just that they are going through a tough time. I don't give one to every woman I see, just those that have a tiny little handkerchief, or nasty, ugly scarf (one that looks like it would hurt to wear on a sensitive head.) Then I give it to them, and tell them the same thing I did to this woman. That life will go on.

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