Monday, January 19, 2009

Do clothes define your age?

I like my blue jeans. I like to wear them a bit tighter. I like them with designs, snug around my hips (and yes they are bigger than when I was20). The other day, I was told by a good friend - "You are 50! You should dress like it!"

I started googling "50 year old" woman and clothes. With the glaring exception of Madonna, there were very few definitions of what clothes define a woman of "my age."

I don't mind getting older, I just want to do so in my own terms. I don't want to wear what a 20 year old does, but then again, I don't want to wear elastic waist bands (not that this is wrong - just for me). I love the fact that mouths still drop open when I pull my helmet off when I get off the bike! I don't want to act immature, but I also don't want to be old!

For all of you, not just women, but everyone interested in Gray Lady Riders; What defines your age?

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