I am amazed at how much different things are in one year. Someone told me that it takes an entire year to finally get settled into a new life somewhere else - particularly when moving overseas. I have not made my goal of being on a bike here in the UK, but I am beginning to realize - that it is not that important. I want to ride my way. Not for the sake of being on a bike - but to feel the wind on my body, the sound and smells of the road and the feeling I get when riding. It isn't about the bike - it is about that journey! I can't imagine riding here and just going. It would be to a specific destination - riding for the sake of riding - not for the joy of it.
Life is a bit like that. There are times that we just live. We breathe, we eat, we go to work, but just don't live life. For now, I think I would rather journey with my feet, the tube or the train and enjoy the process of getting to wherever "there" is. The bike - Baby, she and my friends will all be there when I get back. Until then, I will focus on making this part of my journey one to remember for the rest of my life!
Shiny Side Up
I'm a wife, a mother, and a grandmother who wants to make a difference in the world. I am looking for like minded women of a certain age that look to the future and see that they can help make the world a better place. If so, follow me on an adventure that started on a motorcycle and has moved on to riding life instead.
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