Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Mexico!!

We are now in Tucumcari, New Mexico. Spent most of the day running away from rain and riding on Route 66. Today was a picture worthy day. It started when we woke up and rode back to the wind farm. It is amazing to see these things. They are like giant dancers in the wind. Somehow, they seem almost majestic. They make no noise, even when up close. The size is indescribable. I am still not sure how the pictures will come out and if they will do justice to the sight. (and yes, I said I….) This blog is a bit schizophrenic as it is a story of both two women and the thoughts of only one… So this will bounce between myself and us. Hope you guys don’t mind.
After we left the dancing giants, we went down the road just a bit. Jose said that she did not think that we were near Route 66. Then we stopped and I pointed to a sign. It said simply Rt 66. Not the fancy sign that you see on TV or pictures (or later for us) a simple, green sign that we are checking off another dream on this incredible trip. Just a bit further, we saw that infamous sign. That is when we took the picture that you see here. The truth is, this was an incredible day. But we are beat. I will hopefully post more about what we saw and did. Please bear with me (or for those semanticists reading this – us)
Oh, and Mr. Mikey… we made it past OK city :-)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Here we are..... at route 66. But on the way, we had some incredible experiences. The day started off simple enough (but way too late - 11:00). While we were gearing up, we met a man that had one a mission trip on the reservation we were planning on visiting. When we told him about the school supplies, his response was the same as others we have asked. We are now going to be looking for others to give to. The reservation is definitely needy, but not the type that will pass the giving on. So please, give us some ideas.

On to the day; we dressed for rain which proved a good thing, since all we had were minor sprinkles. For those that ride, you can appreciate the irony. But, it was cooler than either of us anticipated, so the gear served as a barrier to the cool air. On the way, we met a man that worked in a convenience shop that gave a drug addict credit so that she could have cigarettes. That may seem counterproductive, but the idea is that he was a giving man. Roadrunner gave the man three pencils, the man told her that he had three children, and who had told her. "No" was the simple answer, his was that God must have told her.

Dallas was interesting. We did not die and we were able to make it through the city traffic with relative ease. It was very scary. Jose stayed up with Roadrunner and Roadrunner was able to stay up with the traffic. The funny thing is that when nervous, Roadrunner bangs her legs against the tank. No dents, which is a good thing.

Later in the day we found out that Oklahoma is a great place to get quarter horses. Lots of breeders and many horse farms. It was interesting to see all the baby horses in the fields (despite the fact that we were traveling quite quickly through the area.) One interesting spot was the "scenic pull off". At first blush, it looked like a sad joke. Nothing but a hill with lots of garbage. Then we turned around. Much better. But it would have been funny to see our faces when we first got there. The second pull off was much better and much more picture worthy.

Lots of construction. One time there was a man that felt that he needed to be in front of everyone; despite the fact that there was one lane. He got in front of us but not the 18-wheeler. For several miles, he tried (unsuccessfully) to repeatedly pass the truck. We hung back for the wreck, and fortunately, the people behind us saw what was going on as well and gave us the same space; A good riding day.
The most amazing thing for me was the wind farm. I have never seen them up close. At that point I said "all reservations are off! We are now going to start enjoying the ride.” So we are cancelling our reservations for the rest of the trip and only booking one day out. No more destinations - all of this will be journey.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Yep, we are now in Texas. We left Meridian, MS this morning and are now 5 miles into the state. The rain held off most of the day. We put on our rain gear and rode for a few hours. After getting incredibly hot, we broke down and took off the gear. Bad idea; we hit rain in Shreveport, LA. Lots of it. Bolt lightning and wall clouds were in the distance, but stayed away from us. We finally broke down and stopped under a crosswalk over the interstate. When cars start to pull over because of the heavy rain - that is a good indicator that you should as well! Our gear is all over the room drying out. But, the bags (and their contents) stayed dry. Jose is already asleep. We ate a nice Italian restaurant. Tummies are full and the room is cold.

Looking at the weather this evening, it looks as if we are going to be riding in the rain tomorrow as well. Thanks for all you following us. We can feel your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a dryer day. But I doubt we will make Amarillo!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It could have been better........ or worse.....

So, today, we get up in Birmingham and start loading the bikes. Rule number one... do a TCLOCS BEFORE loading up the bikes. Jose, had a flat back tire.... So, rather than being in Monroe LA, we were at the Harley shop in Pelham getting a new tire. God works in works in amazing ways... It wasn't the tire, it was the tube. Evidently, the company that put on the new back tire for Jose, left a tube that had two (not one, but two) patches on it.... It could have blown on the trip, which would have been much, much worse. So, we are now in Meridian, MS. Haven't made it to LA, but hope to go through there tomorrow. Not sure if we will make it to Dallas tomorrow, but the iron butt has begun!!!! Wish us luck. For those that are truly following us (and not our spouses....) don't forget - you owe me backpacks... :-) Moose will be posting pictures later.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Here we go!

For all of those that I spoke to yesterday.... Don't forget the backpacks! Send an email to us and we will be sure to tell you where to drop them off. We are to head out at Roadrunners house around 1:00pm today. With luck, we will be in Birmingham around 3:00. Will post more when we are there and settled down!

Well, here we are in Birmingham. Got to see Moose and take her to dinner. Gave away pencils to some fine young men at the hotel what were willing to watch our helmets while we unpacked our bags. It was amazing to see how much we actually were able to carry. Jose and I were able to fill a hotel cart to the top! Kind of scary. No big issues other than the wind! Next stop - Monroe, LA!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Pencils Arrived!

The pencils came in - and early! The company even upgraded us! A great shout out to Omega HTC. They gave us better pencils! Whoo Hooo! We have contacted a small Indian reservation in NV to find out if they can use our supplies. Still waiting for other ideas from those that are following us! And for those of you who are... the school year is about to end. Rather than throw away or pack up that gently used backpack, consider giving it to Gray Lady Riders. The same goes for extra school supplies. Just post your response, or send an email to us. We can send someone to get it, or have it shipped. Anything that you don't use - another child will treasure. Until Saturday - Shiny Side Up!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Appalachian children and others

I'm beginning to think that Jose and I should make a stop somewhere in the Appalachian mountains and visit a school there. School will still be in session and we will be able to hopefully find not only a child, but a community that will be willing to "break the pencil in half". I'm also thinking that there may be others in our route that we can identify. While we cannot bring the backpacks with us, we certainly can have them shipped or bring them up by cage later.

No one has commented on additional options. I would be very happy to see some suggestions.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The planning begins...

I have started looking at getting a gross of customized pencils. Here is what I am putting on them

4 sides can be personalized.
1. Gray Lady Riders
2. half the pencil/share the dream

The fourth line is blank. I like that - leaving a space for just the receiver to have.

This is a final route. God willing and the snow don't fall!

This is going to be a bit iron butt and LOTS of fun.

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